You have bewitched me body and soul meaning
When a person drowned in the ocean of sorrow starts sinking into the depths of hopelessness.
When loneliness starts crossing limits and life becomes dull like a dry fruit
When the happiness of life gets eclipsed and one day gets captured in the basement of darkness full of sorrow.
In such a situation, a person who brings new hope and erases all the sad darkness of life with his captivating smile.
Such a person whose presence in one's life makes one understand the meaning of life. In whose love one begins to enjoy life.
Such a charming person with whom one feels like living every moment.
Whose care and true love can satisfy even the soul, such a person can drive away all the sorrows of life.
These words have been used for that lovely person who passes through the eyes and enters the heart, whose mere touch gives a feeling of ultimate happiness in every pore of the body.
An empty life should be filled with love and happiness. When a person comes into life and changes a sad life with his beautiful nature.
Therefore it is said that you have bewitched me body and soul.