Distance is just a number meaning

 Distance is just a number meaning Explained 

When a relationship of love, loyalty, care is established between two people. Then it seems as if a new life begins in the new world.

When a person comes into someone's life and changes the life of his lover. Filled her life with love and happiness. Then it doesn't matter what his age is.

When someone is in love, he will only want to be with the one whom he loves the most. He would spend time with her. He will care her.

Then love becomes a ray of hope and removes the darkness of life. In such a situation, love removes loneliness by becoming a friend, love creates a feeling of kindness and compassion in the mind and makes the sad mind cheerful.

With time love grows, happiness also increases. And when two adults are happy with each other no matter what their age is?

When the love prevail and two hearts become each other, then age becomes just a number.

True love does not see age. True love comes from the heart, in which there is emotion, there is care for each other. Love is pure when two person are loyal to each other 

Age doesn't matter when two people fall in love and want to support each other for life

Age does not affect love, That's why age is defined as a number in this line.

That's why it is said when two people are in love, age is just a number.

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