Technology has made a lot of progress in today's era. We have been seeing how landlines have been replaced by mobiles and T.V's have been replaced by LED T.V's. Progress has been made in every field. Technology has become very modern and advanced.
The development of technology is benefitting human beings in every sense, but is it not harming? The Internet has become very popular in today's world. It is very attractive and useful. There are many advantages of the internet, instant mailing, social media, online transactions, online forms, etc.
Nowadays, social media sites are the most commonly used sites on the internet. People use it a lot, not only the young generation but also children and the elderly are becoming very active on social media these days. Some are busy making posts. Some are busy uploading photos. Some are busy updating status, and some are busy chatting day and night.
The constant excessive use of social media is having a very bad effect on the youth and the children. They are falling prey to it.
Nowadays, people of all classes are spending more and more time on social media. Some have got addicted to it. Due to being engaged on this day and night, people face physical and mental problems.
Fake news coming on social media is hurting the sentiments of the people.
Due to the addiction to social media sites, some people are becoming more aggressive and restless than before, if those social sites are not allowed to be used.
It is not that you should not use social networking sites at all. Nowadays, social media has become very helpful. Some people are also making their career on it. Some have found loved ones on social media. Some have made new friends. For some students, social sites have proved to be very good in their studies.
We don't say don't use social media, but use should be limited. We should use social media to make our life better. Remember, don't make social networking sites your life, but make it a part of your life. Use it to take advantage of it and not to harm yourself ?
Social networking sites are causing more damage than being helpful:
Impact of social media on youth:
Some people have become more depressed nowadays. Some have become irritable. Some have stopped going out of their houses. Some do not even know why this sudden change happened in their life. So here we will know the ill effects on youth due to the wrong and excessive use of social media...
1)Low visibility: The rays emanating from laptops and mobiles can affect the eyes, causing problems like low visibility and blurred vision. Some people have pain in their eyes
2)Antisocial: Due to social media addiction, some people abstain from even going out of the house. They have reduced meeting with friends and relatives and have become antisocial.
3)Lack of concentration: Not giving time to yourself and spending all the time on social sites can lead to a lack of concentration in studies and other things.
4)Low-Grades in exams: Being more active on social sites and not giving time to studies. Students are likely to get fewer marks in the examination.
5)Depression and anxiety: Some people use social media so much that they do not come in contact with the rays of the sun. Due to which the serotonin hormone can decrease, which leads to the possibility of depression.
Wrong comments and bad behavior by some people on social media can also be a cause of anxiety.
6)Affects mental health: Excessive addiction to social media can significantly impact mental health. That can affect people's behavior, emotions, cognition, etc.
7)Cyber Crime: Some people are becoming victims of cybercrime on social networking sites. People need to use social sites carefully.
8)Low-Self confidence: Some have made social sites their life. They keep getting lost in social sites. They have started feeling that they will not get more responses in real life than in social life. Their confidence is decreasing which is a misconception.
9)Pain in the neck: Constantly sitting in front of the mobile can also cause neck pain.
10)Less physical activities: Spending time on more and more social sites has reduced the physical exertion of people, which increases the chances of heart disease, obesity, etc.
11)Increase in weight: By paying more attention to social sites and not doing physical exercise. Many people gain more weight than normal, which leads to obesity and can put them at risk of heart disease.
12) Negative impact on teenagers: Teenagers should avoid obscene material when using social media. Parents should be aware of what their children are watching on social sites and the internet?
Social networking sites are playing a very important role in today's world. It is also very useful but we should avoid its side effects.