Motivational quotes and lines for Covid patients.

                 Motivational quotes and lines for Covid patients.

Covid Quotes:

• You are a patient in the eyes of doctor and nurse but for us, you are a warrior. You will be fine soon.

• I always miss you more than anyone else. You are the crown of my head. You are nice and great. Please get well soon and beat Corona which is bad. 

• Whoever gave up in mind, they will lose. We know you cannot give up because you have not learned to lose. You will be well soon.

• You know how to fight, you will fight. You know how to win so you will win. Be it Corona or any virus. You will defeat it. 

• You have supported us in every moment of life and today when you have been infected by this virus. Our prayers are with you, get well as soon as possible.

• 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 We will kick Corona out of our life. 

• You have always encouraged us in every situation. You have always shown us the right path, and you will show Corona the right path by sending it to the grave and defeating it.

• You know you are a hero, I have prayed to God for your safety, nothing will happen to you. You will be fine.

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Fight against corona quotes,

• I miss you every day. I miss all your talks, the way you laugh with us. Please come back home soon. We all wait for you.

• You have lived your life laughing till now. I know you will defeat the Corona laughing.

• Hope you will defeat Covid-19 and get well soon.

• These Covid viruses do not know whom they are facing right now. When you beat them. They will not dare to come back again.

• Life never stops, bad and good times go on. Get well my dear, and happiness is waiting for you.

• You are a fighter and you know how to fight. Corona is bad, and if it enters your body, take medication.  It will be dead. 

• Hey dear, I know you since childhood. You are very prankish and devil. I wonder even Corona would be begging you and requesting you to get it out from your body and thinking itself where the hell I got myself into! Hehehe, please don't mind. You will be fine my sweetheart. God bless you. 

• You have won many battles of life. I know you will win this battle from the Covid-19 virus.

• Corona, Corona, yes my dear.

  You want to enter in my body, yes my dear

  Want me to get infected, yes my dear 

  Let me get vaccinated, oh no!  bye bye I'm going in fear. 

• Just have positive thoughts in your mind. Everything will be alright. You will recover soon. 

• Those who treat patients are called doctors.

  The one who shines in the night sky is called the Moon.

  The one who spread fragrance in the garden is called a flower.

  And those who recover from Corona is called a warrior.

• The teddy is so cute. The sky is so blue.

  The sugar is so sweet. When Covid will be ended by the world. 

  We will surely meet. 

•  I have achieved success by leaving behind so many in my life, then what is this corona? I will get over it soon.

•  May God gives you strength in this pandemic, and I pray for you to get healed as soon as possible.

• Water quench thirst.

   Sanitizer kills germs.

   Soldiers kill the enemy.

   People like us can defeat Covid with strong immunity.

•  Your health is important not only for you but also for your family, and I hope you will be as healthy as before.

•  As new days come, you will become stronger with each day, and I pray after defeating Covid, you will come back among us like a champion.

Yes, you can.

•  He who has the desire to live in his heart, who keeps the principle of never giving up, has the ability to defeat any virus.

•  We will fight and win. Now enough, we have lost our loved ones, but now no more. We will vanquish it.


The main objective of these lines and quotes is to motivate those who are infected with the Covid virus. We wish and pray that almighty will help them to fight this virus, and they get well soon. and we would like to raise the spirits of those families who are suffering a lot from this pandemic, the agony and pain they have suffered cannot be described in words. In this difficult time, may God help everyone. 

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